We offer 3 options:
We recommend stating the camera model and type of shoot at time of enquiry.
Battery power is NOT supplied as standard, but is available on request at an additonal cost.
This depends on the size of the audience/stage/set and type of event:
In a less structured setting, when presenters choose to move around the stage and enjoy the freedom of not being restricted to speaking from behind a lectern.
We supply the prompting base station ONLY, consisting of:
This system can also be used in conjunction or additional to the Presidential system, giving increased flexibility in presentation style between lectern & stage.
This depends on the type of event and number/height of the presenters.
Manual poles:
Motorised poles:
Dependent on size of the shoot, staging, venue and production schedule, we allow approx 30-60 minutes.
Dependent on size of event, staging, venue and production schedule, we allow approx 60-90 minutes.
We request that a suitable working space is provided (6ft trestle table is ideal), chair, access to a 13amp mains power and a safe escape route in case of emergency.
No. We are a full-service company, so our hire is based on our experienced technicians & equipment being supplied as a total package.
We prefer to offer a bespoke quote based on individual requirements, ensuring no hidden costs or items you do not require.
All quotes are totally transparent, with each element clearly itemised including delivery & collection, travel, parking, overtime & subs.
Please use our Contact Form to request a tailor-made quote or email us at amanda@aceteleprompt.co.uk.
Our simple terms are on every quote - 30 days from date of invoice. We require a Purchase Order for every booking before it is considered confirmed which then constitutes agreement of these terms. Should your requirements change, we will issue a revised quote and we will request an amended PO.
Once 30 days have elapsed, a polite request for settlement will be issued, and followed up by a call by our Accounts Dept. Once payment falls past 60 days, a formal statement will issued, and at which point, discretionary interest will be applied until the invoice is settled in full.
Windigi Pro is our software of choice. This has been tried and tested and improved over several decades and is used by newsrooms and prompting companies globally.
Here are the main features:
We suggest Ariel, Tahoma or Verdana for readability
This can be provided on request and is individually tailored to the event including:
We have a comprehensive commercial insurance policy with AXA with the following cover:
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